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Sessions (16.00 to 21.00 hours)

This is an annual course that will be repeated in the following three years. In each year there will be 10
workshops with 8 hours each, once a month. They include:

The previous reading of texts or watching of documentaries selected for each session by the teaching staff (flipped classroom).

After the reading of educational materials, each participant has to fulfil several tasks (for instance, answer questions, describe problems or point out key ideas on a specific topic) and upload it to the virtual classroom in the moodle of the course.

PLENARY CONFERENCE (16,00 to 17,30): 90 minutes of presentation by an expert of the the teaching staff. This presentation will have an interdisplinary approach to the topic of fascism, migration policies in the EU, refugees, the rise of far right and so on. After the plenary conference there will be time for a short debate .

15 minute break (17,30-17,45)

The expert in charge will decide in each session whether to organize in the next hour and a half (a) a round table with experts with whom to analyze and debate the subject or (b) a workshop in small groups, where participants share and debate, in small groups of 4 participants, the contributions that each member has brought made in their didactic reading guide and the contributions that the speaker has proposed.

15 minute break (19:15 to 19:30)

Debate: There will be a 90 minute final debate with participants, paying special attentions to local situations, concrete problems from local cultural background and specific actions on the discussed topic.

VIRTUAL FORUM: After the face-to-face session, the debate and analysis can be continued by using the Forum on the Jean Monnet website, opening new topics and lines in the Forum corresponding to each session.

ONLINE TUTORING: There will be up to two hours of online tutoring, either individually or in group,(such tutoring can be requested via email to the corresponding expert), to resolve doubts or questions, make clarifications or clarify  information regarding each session.

VOLUNTEERING : All sessions have a practical  side in order to apply the academic knowledge in NGO’s through learning-service activities. These activities are completely voluntary. Due to COVID-19 will be postponed.

Este proyecto ha recibido financiación del Programa Jean Monnet de la Comisión Europea